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Property NameDescription
Capture Delay (ms)This is the delay between a selection of a capture operation and the actual capture. Depending on the type of the hardware and graphics card, this delay may need to be increased or decreased. A minimum of 300 ms is required. This delay helps to close the main application window before the screen is captured.
Show MagnifierThis is set to true by default. Magnifier shows the magnified image around the cursor for selecting the accurate location. Sometimes, it overlaps with the screen and may not be that useful. It can be disabled by deselecting this flag.
Capture Mouse PointerThis setting helps to capture cursor as part of the screen capture. If clean screenshots are required without a cursor, this can be deselected.
Display for Full screen CaptureIf there are multiple monitors connected to the system, the primary display is set to the working display using Windows display settings. However, sometimes, while working on the main display, fullscreen needs to be captured on the secondary display. This setting helps to override Windows primary display setting. While working on the main display, other displays can be captured in the full screen. 
Auto-Web Capture Height LimitIf the webpage is a too long, capture height is limited by this value. This helps to handle the long pages with proper main memory usage,
Auto Clipboard CopyIt is set by default. All images captured in the application are automatically copied to Clipboard. This can be disabled if there is a performance issue with copying large images to the clipboard.
New Image Format

In addition to capturing screens, a new image can be created in the application using File→ New Image or using The new Image Icon button, in the top toolbar. This image format applies to the new blank image created. The default value is Png.

Default New Capture ZoomWhen a screenshot is captured, the selected zoom is set to this value. If the image can completely fit in the display area, 100% zoom is used else BestFit zoom is selected.FormatSpecified image format is used to capture a new screenshot
Timed Capture Delay (Sec)This is the count down counter delay setting. A timer will count down to the value specified by this parameter. By default value is set as 10 seconds.
Continuous Capture

Capture Format: By default capture format is set to Jpeg. It is recommended as Jpeg format takes less space as the continuous captures take several screen captures. This will help to reduce disk space usage.

Maximum Limit:If an automated capture is set, this setting helps to limit continuous capture by terminating after a set number of captures. 

Duplicate Difference(%): If successive captures don't differ by this percentage when compared, they are considered as duplicates. For webinars, a 5% setting is a good value. If the video is being captured, it is better to set a higher value.

New Image Default Size

When a new image operation is performed, a new image with a white background is created. Depending on this parameter, the default screen is either created with the width and height settings in this section or obtains them dynamically based on the application display window size. 

Auto Size New Image: If selected/checked, the new image is auto-sized based on the application display area.

New Image Default Width: The default width of the new image.

New Image Default Height: Default height of the new image. 

Scrolling Capture

Scrolling capture parameters help to control the scrolling window capture. Only vertical scrolling is supported.

Capture Format: By default, the capture format is set to Jpeg. It is recommended as Jpeg format takes less space as the scrolling capture tends to take large-sized captures depending on the page/window size. This will help to reduce disk space usage.

Capture Delay: Delay in successive captures. This delay helps to have the browser or window to render all UI elements to render properly. Some webpages take time to render dynamic elements. In faster systems, this value can be reduced to 500 ms. 

Remove Common Content: Web pages and windows tend to have a common left, top, right, and bottom content and only section of the screen changes when the page is scrolled with Page Down event. This flag helps to remove common content, thus re-creating the page accurately. This property is selected by default.

Max Page Down Limit: This limits the maximum number of times page needs to scrolled down before the pages are joined. High limit causes more main memory usage.

Video Capture SettingsVideo capture global settings panel opens when the Video Capture Settings button is clicked. This provides comprehensive video setting options. Usually, this is not required for normal screen recording use cases. As much as possible, please don't try to change video capture parameters without fully understanding the impact on video recording quality. 


Property NameDescription
Default Icon Annotation SizeWhen a font icon is dragged and dropped on the display canvas, this size is set as the default size of the icon. The default value is set as 128 pixels.
Disable Open Canvas Pixtel supports image canvas and virtual or open canvas. By default, annotations can be placed anywhere. When images are exported or shared, only annotations on the image are flattened for creating the final image for sharing. By disabling this, annotations are restricted only to the image area. By default, this attribute is not selected/checked.
Default Auto Canvas Expansion

When annotations are flattened, some of the annotations may be on the canvas outside the image canvas. When those annotations are flattened, the image canvas needs to be extended to incorporate those annotations. This will auto-expand the canvas. This parameter value is used for padding the canvas to encompass annotations outside the image area.

Enable Undo/Redo ManagerIf there are large number of image operations, disabling undo manager helps with performance.
Undo/Redo LevelsKeeping this value very high causes performance issues due to large undo/redo buffer allocation. Best value is around 5.
Shape Color Settings

Shapes have outline, fill and in some cases have text colors. Preset colors can be set for all shapes when selected from this drop-down and the Apply button is clicked.  Default width and height remain name. Only the colors change. See the settings with two different presets:

Auto Image Scale WidthWhen monitors with large resolutions exceeding 1920px width are used in capturing screens, those images can be auto-scaled to fit in the 1920px width while maintaining the aspect ratio. The same applies to import files and drag and drop of web images.
Max Embedded Image SizeUsing embedded images helps to compose composite screens very easily. At the same time, there is a large main memory requirement to handle image size. This setting helps to alert the user to the image size limit with a warning message. However, it can be overridden and images can still be imported.
Default Timestamp

Default timestamp content can be specified in this field along with the date-time format. DateTime formats follow C# date-time formatting options. By changing this value, the timestamp display format will change. 

In addition to the time format, there is a general timestamp template. This template contains parameters which will be substituted with actual value at run time when the timestamp annotation is drawn. 

Variables that can be used in the template:

%Username%  - User name specified in the general tab.

%ImageDisplayname% - Image display name

%Category% - Image category 

%Subcategory% - Image subcategory

%ImageSize% - Image size

%ImageDimensions% - Image dimensions

%CreatedBy% - Created By

%CreatedOn% - Created On

%TimeStamp% - Datetime stamp of the current date and time.

Default Rubberstamp

Default Rubberstamp content can be specified in this field along with the date-time format. DateTime formats follow C# date-time formatting options. By changing this value, the timestamp display format will change. 

In addition to the time format, there is a general timestamp template. This template contains parameters which will be substituted with actual value at run time when the timestamp annotation is drawn. 

Variables that can be used in the template:

%Username%  - User name specified in the general tab.

%ImageDisplayname% - Image display name

%Category% - Image category 

%Subcategory% - Image subcategory

%ImageSize% - Image size

%ImageDimensions% - Image dimensions

%CreatedBy% - Created By

%CreatedOn% - Created On

%TimeStamp% - Datetime stamp of the current date and time.
