Region capture option is used to capture a region on the screen. A cross-hair appears on selecting 'Region Capture', drag it down and release the mouse to select the region. Pointer waits until user selects and drags on a region. Cursor point zooms-in the hovered region for a better view of capture coordinates. Click escape key or mouse right button to cancel the capture operation. In addition, press 'r' key to re-select the region if the original selection is wrong. User can customize in User preferences to show magnifier and capture mouse pointer.
Capture preferences help to set capture delay, and enable/disable showing magnifier and mouse pointer. If 'Auto Clipboard Copy' is enabled, captured image is automatically copied to Clipboard. All screenshots captured using the region capture are maintained in PNG image format.
Once the region is selected, screenshot in that region is captured and created as a new tab. Application tries to obtain the window tittle, and website url, etc. as applicable depending on where the screenshot is taken.
Region to Clipboard
This operates the same as Region Capture and the only difference is that captured image is copied to Clipboard. GetPixit does not store the captured screenshot. This is helpful for transient captures which are not required to be managed and can be discarded after single use.