GetPixit helps to capture, share and manage files. Images captured can be edited using drawing and image manipulation tools before sharing. GetPixit helps in easy sharing of images to multiple cloud platforms and applications such as Google Drive, One Drive, Word, PowerPoint, Jira, Facebook, etc. One important feature in all these integrations is that user can configure multiple accounts with any of the providerproviders. For example, user can have 3 Google drive accounts, one for personal use, one or more for business use, and another one for school. While working on captures for business, a business account can be used to upload and share annotated files. This is one of the major strengths of GetPixit unlike many other tools in the market. This document covers the different share options available in the application. Share interface can be opened either from Menu Window→Share or Click on Share Toggle button icon, , in the middle of the left side menu. The Share Option Interface will open on the left as shown below. . It can be closed by clicking on the icon again.
Share Integrations
By default, the current image opened in the tab is selected as the image for sharing. Multiple images can be shared by switching the main display to Grid View, by clicking on the Grid View toggle button icon . Grid view displays thumbnails of all opened tabs. Any number of images can be selected from the grid view and can be shared together. If any of the images have annotations, they get flattened onto the image before sharing. This flattening happens with the temporary in-memory images, the original image with annotations is not impacted. See the following grid view with some selected image thumbnails for sharing.
- Cloud Upload: All integrations that enable uploading images to cloud drives such as Google Drive, cloud applications such as OneNote and EverNote, and cloud storage in the future are is part of this section. This can be minimized by clicking on the header.
- Export: All integrations that export images into document formats such as office Office Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
- Applications: All application integrations for sharing images.
- Social Media: All social media applications for sharing images such as Facebook and Twitter.
Easy, fast and secure way of sharing images with multiple cloud platforms. GetPixit has been integrated with widely used cloud platforms like Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, Dropbox, and cloud applications, OneNote and EverNote. User A user account is authenticated to add account information in GetPixit. After authentication, all the folders on the cloud drive are displayed in an explorer view. Multiple accounts can be added and user accounts will be cached in GetPixit to avoid future login. User can remove their account anytime; this deletes the local user profile. All the files chosen for upload will be available and selection or deselection among files is also possible.
The user interface and interaction for Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, and Dropbox is are more or less the same except how they allow user authentication. In the following, Google drive integration is detailed as a reference. When clicked on google drive integration icon, , the following Google Drive window opens up with selected documents populated in the upload control on the right.
- Click Add to log into Google Drive account and add it to the application. A separate browser window opens for a user to login to their account. Account authorization information is cached in the application until the account is removed.
- Choose an account from account selection comboboxcombo box
- Click Select to choose an account.
- On clicking Refresh, folders will be refreshed (optional)
- To remove any user account from application click Remove.
- All the folders in the account will be displayed.
- Click Add Files to add any additional files from the local directory. They can be any documents.
- Click Upload to complete image upload.
As the files are being uploaded, upload status is shown with a progress bar as shown below:
OneDrive, Box, and Dropbox also follow a similar approach. They all open up IE browser for user authentication. If uploads are taking a long time, they can be cancelled canceled using the Cancel button.
OneNote (Online)
OneNote online lets you take notes and organize note pages in a web browser. OneNote and EverNote are two most popular note-taking applications with millions of active users. Users can create new pages through GetPixit and attach images to that page. All sections and pages are listed under each division respectively. User can also provide a page description in the description field.
- Click Add to log in to Microsoft account, if no user is logged in. Dialogue A dialogue box open opens where user can login log in to their account.
- If a user has previously logged on, choose an account from the drop-down.
- Click Select to choose an account.
- On clicking Refresh, sections and pages will be refreshed.
- To remove any user account from the application, click Remove.
- Under Notebook’s, choose the notebook associated with an account. All the sections and pages related to the selected notebook will be displayed.
- To create a new page check the box adjacent to Create New Page.
- User can add a description to an image in Description box.
- Selected Images tab has all images chosen for upload.
- Click Upload to complete image upload.
- Cancel will cancel the active uploads and Close closes the window.
Evernote (Online)
EverNote Evernote online is similar to OneNote and helps users to select Notebooks and attach images to select notes. New note pages can be created directly from the application. On the left side, instead of Sections and Pages as in OneNote, EverNote has Notebooks and Notes objects. Other than that, the rest of the functionality is similar to OneNote functionality.
Office Export helps to create professional looking documents in Word, Excel and PowerPoint formats exporting images, image titles, and descriptions.
GetPixit generates the nicely-styled word document with few clicks, exporting all selected images formatted with titles and descriptions. Main The main export window is presented below:
Application integration helps to interact with applications from GetPixit directly without requiring to switch between applications to share images. A set of three integrations are included in GetPixit. These are Email, FTP and Jira. Email integration helps to send an email with image attachments. FTP integration allows to upload uploading documents to a selected FTP site. Jira integration is an important integration provided in the application. Jira integration allows users to create and update issues directly from the application without requiring to go back and forth with Jira application in the browser. This greatly improves the productivity of Product Management, and Development and QA engineers when dealing with the a large number of product/project screenshots.
There are different providers for email integration. User can choose the desired provider and fill - in the necessary credentials to login log in to their account. Recipients' address can be entered or chosen from suggestions in drop down which comes from the saved contact list. By default, using a template, email subject and message gets generated along with a list of images to be attached. These templates can be edited in User preferences→ Integrations interface.